Event Rules
Quick Links
IBEW Local 18

Online Registration - Login or Create New Account

Login with your verified email. Or Create New Account.
         Create New Account (All users must create a new account before registering for the event.)
Please note: All registration information is removed each year, 30 days after the event is over.
For Login help or Group Registration authorization, please contact Jacob.Charbonneau@ladwp.com

Thank you, to all of the vendors, who have participated in the past, your participation is very important to the Rodeo. It gives you, the
vendors, the chance to meet with the people who use your products and at the same time it gives the users of your
products the opportunity to give you feedback on tools and products. The Rodeo is advertised and
open to the utilities in California and all those who are willing to travel; which also
gives you the opportunity to meet and make new contacts.