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IBEW Local 18
Event Rules

Main Event

General Information

All rodeo participants will be required to remain belted to the pole from ground to ground in every event. This not only reflects DWP policies but an industry trend toward increased Climbing safety.

On each event, the contestants must belt-off prior to gaffing with both feet in the pole. Once belted, the contestants may then climb in any manner comfortable to them. When a climber approaches an obstacle they must climb past, a second positioning strap must be used. The climber must secure the second positioning strap before un-clipping the first positioning strap. Contestants must have at least one foot on the ground prior to un-belting at the base of the pole. Additional positioning straps will be provided at all events that require double belting. Climbers may use their own positioning straps if they so choose, provided they have been approved for use by the LADWP safety section. Failure to follow these climbing guidelines will result in a two point deduction for each occurrence. We thank you for your cooperation and participation, and look forward to seeing you at the competition.

The LADWP Lineman’s Rodeo Committee


Los Angeles Department of Water & Power - Thanks to Marty Adams, General Manager of the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power for his support

IBEW Local 18 - Thanks to Gus Corona, Business Manager of IBEW Local 18 for his continued support

Thank you, to all of the vendors, who have participated in the past, your participation is very important to the Rodeo. It gives you, the
vendors, the chance to meet with the people who use your products and at the same time it gives the users of your
products the opportunity to give you feedback on tools and products. The Rodeo is advertised and
open to the utilities in California and all those who are willing to travel; which also
gives you the opportunity to meet and make new contacts.