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IBEW Local 18
Event Rules

Scoring System

General Information

Each event will be worth a total of 100 points. Points will be deducted in either 2 or 10 point increments depending upon the infraction. Deductions in the speed events, hurtman rescue and pole climb will not be averaged for the journeyman teams as in the past. In these events, the total number of infractions incurred by both team members will be counted as deductions for the team.

Individual, team, and overall event winners will be determined by the highest scores. In the event of a tie, the winners will be decided by lowest overall time.

Each journeyman team and apprentice contestant will receive their scoring package at the time of registration and will present the appropriate score sheet to judges at each event. Score sheets will consist of an original that will remain with the judges and a copy that remains with the team or contestant.

Judges will have additional score sheets in the event competitors lose their copy prior to an event. Once competitors have completed an event and received their scores, it is their responsibility to save the score sheet copy for future verification of scores or if the original is lost.

In the event competitors go beyond the "mean time," they will receive a 2-point deduction. There will be a "drop dead" time five minutes beyond the mean time in each event, at which time the event will be stopped and the contestants will restore the construction to its original condition. At this point they will receive an additional 2-point deduction for exceeding the "drop dead" time.

The Rodeo is scheduled to finish at 2.00 pm. Any competitors that have not completed all of their events at that time will receive a score of "0" for the remaining events. To assist competitors in completing all events in the required time, each event station will keep track of the contestants that have completed that event. Periodic announcements will alert competitors if they need to finish events.

To find out more about the rules and judging of the Rodeo Event, please click on Event Rules & Judging.


Los Angeles Department of Water & Power - Thanks to Marty Adams, General Manager of the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power for his support

IBEW Local 18 - Thanks to Gus Corona, Business Manager of IBEW Local 18 for his continued support

Thank you, to all of the vendors, who have participated in the past, your participation is very important to the Rodeo. It gives you, the
vendors, the chance to meet with the people who use your products and at the same time it gives the users of your
products the opportunity to give you feedback on tools and products. The Rodeo is advertised and
open to the utilities in California and all those who are willing to travel; which also
gives you the opportunity to meet and make new contacts.