Event Rules
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IBEW Local 18


TED L. DARIO (1934-1996)

Early in 1991 Ted began organizing the construction of the LAWDP Rodeo Grounds at the Granada Hills Service Center. The First Annual LADWP Lineman’s Rodeo was held on June 15th of that year. Each year teh top winnings teams of the local rodeo are sent to compete in the International Lineman’s Rodeo Competition in Kansas City, Missouri. Ted remained actively involved in the rodeo in running the rodeo until his retirement in 1996.

In addition to his work with the local rodeo, Ted also served as a cheif and was a member of the executive board of the national lineman’s rodeo.

Ted’s commitment to safety, training, brotherhood and excellence in line work was not only his job but his passion.

Shirt History

Below are the shirt logos of the event throughout the years:


2023 Shirt

2019 Shirt

2018 Shirt

2017 Shirt

2016 Shirt

2015 Shirt

2014 Shirt

2013 Shirt

2012 Shirt

2011 Shirt

2010 Shirt

2009 Shirt

2008 Shirt

2007 Shirt

2006 Shirt

2005 Shirt

2004 Shirt

2003 Shirt

2002 Shirt

2001 Shirt

2000 Shirt

1999 Shirt

1998 Shirt

1994 Shirt

1993 Shirt

1992 Shirt

1991 Shirt

1990 Shirt

Thank you, to all of the vendors, who have participated in the past, your participation is very important to the Rodeo. It gives you, the
vendors, the chance to meet with the people who use your products and at the same time it gives the users of your
products the opportunity to give you feedback on tools and products. The Rodeo is advertised and
open to the utilities in California and all those who are willing to travel; which also
gives you the opportunity to meet and make new contacts.